Drivers’ Street Smarts Video Series
Check out these videos below to brush up on your “Drivers’ Street Smarts.”

Drivers’ Street Smarts Videos
DriveSafe Driving Schools, Douglas County Sheriff’s Department, and AAA created this series to refresh drivers with the basics of collision protocol, law enforcement interactions, parking lot safety, and road rage management.
Check out these videos below to brush up on your “Drivers’ Street Smarts.”

While many collisions are preventable, we know how commonly they still occur. In an effort to alleviate the stress of the situation, there are certain steps you can take to ensure your safety, that of other drivers, and properly manage the aftermath.
Check out this video to learn how to best handle your involvement in a collision.
To learn more about collision resources, car insurance option, or AAA Roadside assistance policies click here:
Check out this video to learn how to best handle your involvement in a collision.
To learn more about collision resources, car insurance option, or AAA Roadside assistance policies click here:

There are numerous types of traffic violations that drivers can be stopped for. Many drivers can feel nervous during encounters with Law Enforcement but learning how to properly conduct yourself can help keep the interaction smooth and professional.
Watch this video demonstration to see how you can better prepare yourself for these situations.
For further information on Traffic Stop protocol, visit our blog:
Watch this video demonstration to see how you can better prepare yourself for these situations.
For further information on Traffic Stop protocol, visit our blog:

Many factors can contribute to road rage incidents. It’s not only imperative to manage your own reactions and emotions behind the wheel but learning how to handle other aggressive drivers is important too. This video will outline useful tips for dealing with your own, and other’s emotions, while driving.
For further advice on how to manage emotions on the road
For further advice on how to manage emotions on the road

Parking lots are filled with distractions & challenges. Cars come from several directions, parking lines can be tricky, not everyone follows the stop signs, pedestrians and misplaced shopping carts are equally rampant, and it’s hard to see past giant trucks when you’re trying to back out. Check out this video for tips and tricks on how to safely master the chaos of parking lots.
For further information on parking lot safety tips:
For further information on parking lot safety tips: