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Drivers Education Resources

Helpful links and materials




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Expert Instructors

Drivers Education can be a daunting process. Here are links to useful information for you and/or the new driver in your family.


Parent orientation to drivers education

Navigating the road to safe driving starts here.

Safety Sessions

Video lessons that give you clear insight into safe driving techniques.

Social media

Join us on Facebook, Twitter, Instagram and YouTube for the most up-to-date information on drivers education.

10 Tips to safe driving

10 Tips to Safe Driving (That Will Help You or Your Teen Pass the Drivers License Test)


Useful information on a range of driving related topics, from Colorado Graduated Licensing laws to tips for driving in the winter.


DriveSafe Driving Schools is proud to sponsor an annual essay competition for high school seniors and graduates.

Auto Warranty

We researched the best extended auto warranty in Denver to keep you on the road longer.

Community Engagement

DriveSafe works with various community programs to serve underrepresented populations.

Winter Weather Driving

Winter driving preparedness tips with DriveSafe, FOX 31, and Colorado Department of Transportation.


A complete guide on how to determine the right kind and level of protection for one of your most important financial investments: your car.

Karching Driving App

Log your practice driving and export your driving history.

Drivers' Street Smarts

Refresh drivers with the basics of collision protocol, law enforcement interactions, parking lot safety, and road rage management.

Colorado DMV Resources

Colorado driver handbook

A summary of the laws, rules and safe driving practices that apply to all persons who drive a vehicle in the state of Colorado.

Pre-registration requirement

Steps to obtain a pre-registration code, which is required for all drivers education students.

Permit requirements

Information to make sure you know what is required.

Identification Requirements

Having the right documents to verify your identity will make your visit to the DMV smoother.

Drive Time Log Sheet

Log your practice driving on this sheet provided by the DMV.

Road Ready App

Log your practice driving and export your driving history.

getting your license from the DMV

Obtaining Your License

There are different requirements based on your age - determine yours here

OTHER Resources

AAA Colorado

A leader and advocate for the safety and security of all travelers.

AAA Teen Driving

Keys2Drive, a AAA guide to teen driver safety.

AAA Approved Driving School

When parents see “AAA Approved”, they know their student is getting the highest quality drivers education available.

CDOT Winter Travel Safety

Learn seasonal traffic laws, how to winterize your vehicle, and tools for a secure winter driving season.

CDOT Travel Resources

Get tips and tools for safe travel during any season across the state.

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